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Public WiFi Network: How to connect the TV to Public WiFi?

Step 1: Either during Guided Setup or after using the Settings > Network menu to set up a new connection, the TV automatically detects that you are connecting to a restricted network and displays the following prompt:


Tip: Your TV can connect to a restricted net work only if Enable ‘Device connect’ is selected in Settings > System > Advanced system settings . ( Device connect is enabled by default, but if you have disabled it, the TV cannot complete the connection.)

Note: Device connect is not present if the TV is in non - connected mode.

Step 2: After selecting the correct network, highlight I am at a hotel or college dorm, and then press OK. The TV prompts you to use your smartphone, tablet, or laptop to complete the connection.

Step 3: Use a phone, tablet, or wireless-enabled computer to detect wireless networks. In most cases, you can simply open the device’s Wi-Fi Settings or Network Settings screen to start scanning.
Note: The phone, tablet, or computer must be on the same wireless network to which you are connecting the TV.

STEP 4: Connect to the network named on your TV screen. The actual network name varies.
Note: The previous step connects your smartphone, tablet, or computer directly to the TV. No connection charges apply and the connection does not impact your device’s data plan.

STEP 5: The wireless connection process prompts you for a password. Enter the password as shown on the TV screen. The actual password varies.

STEP 6: Start the web browser on your smartphone, tablet, or computer. When you attempt to open any web page, the restricted connection will prompt you for whatever information it needs. In most cases, you must agree to terms and conditions, provide identifying information, or enter a password, PIN, or room number to proceed. The information requested depends on the organization that controls the wireless connection.

STEP 7: After you enter the requested information, the TV automatically proceeds to complete its connection and resumes normal operation.

Step 8: If the TV prompts you to link to your Roku account, Using a Computer, Tablet, or Smartphone with an Internet connection, go to the web address Enter the link code displayed on the TV to proceed with your Roku Registration


Important: You must complete ALL of the steps on the website before going back to your Roku device otherwise your Roku device will not be activated. Follow the instructions on the website to create a Roku account, or login to an existing Roku account.

Note: When creating a new Roku account, you will be asked to provide a payment method. You can skip this part if you do not wish to add your Payment information.  For additional information please contact ROKU Customer Support at 816-272-8106

Once you have completed the activation process you will be able use the ROKU features on your Television.

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