Cable/Satellite Remote pairing Codes


3 Digit Codes: N/A

4 Digit Codes: N/A

5 Digit Codes: 12559, 11687, 12183, 10178, 12964, 12260, 13907, 11886, 11864


3 Digit Codes: 990

4 Digit Codes: 1687, 1886, 2183, 3264

5 Digit Codes: 13559, 11687, 12964, 12260, 13907

COX Communications

3 Digit Codes: N/A

4 Digit Codes: N/A

5 Digit Codes: 13559, 11687, 12183, 12964, 13907, 11886

Direct TV

3 Digit Codes: N/A

4 Digit Codes: N/A

5 Digit Codes: 13559, 11687, 12183, 12964, 12256, 11886

Dish Network

3 Digit Codes: 627, 121, 659, 591,773, 669, 505, 672, 500, 567, 568, 535, 575, 914, 723, 571, 506, 724, 902, 772, 523, 744, 666, 001, 652, 250

4 Digit Codes: 4635, 4910, 2964,  1687, 1886, 2183

5 Digit Codes: N/A


3 Digit Codes: N/A

4 Digit Codes: N/A

5 Digit Codes: 13559, 11687, 12183, 10178, 12964, 12260, 13907, 11886, 11864

Hawaiian Telecom

3 Digit Codes: N/A

4 Digit Codes: 1687, 2183, 2964, 2256, 1886

5 Digit Codes: N/A

Time Warner

3 Digit Codes: N/A

4 Digit Codes: N/A

5 Digit Codes: 11886, 11687, 12183, 12964, 13559, 13907


3 Digit Codes: N/A

4 Digit Codes: 1398, 1422, 1437, 1444, 1581, 1597, 1598, 1431

5 Digit Codes: 13559, 11687, 12183, 12964, 11886, 12256

Bright House Cable

3 Digit Codes: N/A

4 Digit Codes: N/A

5 Digit Codes: 11687, 12183


3 Digit Codes: N/A

4 Digit Codes: N/A

5 Digit Codes: 11687, 12183

Frontier Communications

3 Digit Codes: 110

4 Digit Codes: N/A

5 Digit Codes: N/A


3 Digit Codes: N/A

4 Digit Codes: 1687, 1886, 2183

5 Digit Codes: N/A

Note: If the Cable Provider or the Universal remote control you are trying to program is not listed above then please use the following codes based on your requirement

ELEMENT Remote Codes Database

3 Digit Codes:

627,121,659, 591, 773, 669, 505, 672, 500, 567, 568, 535, 575, 914, 723, 571, 506, 724, 902, 772, 523, 744, 666, 001, 652, 250

4 Digit Codes: 

3559,1687, 2183, 2964, 1886,4635, 4910, 5361, 5411, 2401, 4111, 5421, 5471, 1091, 1651, 5831, 5841, 5341, 

6021, 1398, 1422, 1437 ,1444, 1581, 1597 ,1598, 1431, 1025, 1173, 1918

5 Digit Codes:

13559, 11687, 12183, 12964, 11886, 12256, 13907, 14217, 13656, 14156, 10862, 11068, 14023, 14175, 11568, 11147, 12260

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