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Picture Issue: Picture Freezes on my Element TV? Model: ELSFT5517/E4SW5518/ELST3216H/ELST4017/ELST4316S/ELST5016S/E2SW5018/E4SFT5517H/E4SJ6519

Things to check before troubleshooting

  1. Check if the picture freezes on all the Channels
  2. Contact the Cable Service provider to check if it's an issue from their end. If all good then follow the next step
  3. If the TV is connected to Cable Box with a HDMI Cord.
    • Try connecting the cord into different HDMI ports (HDMI1, HDMI2, HDMI3)
    • If issue continues then use a different HDMI cord
  4. If TV is connected to Cable box with RED WHITE YELLOW cord, try using a new cord

If the issue persists, Please follow the instructions below to troubleshoot the TV


  1. Unplug the TV cord from the power socket
  2. Leave it unplugged and while it's unplugged press and hold the Power button on the TV for 20 to 25 seconds
  3. Release the power button and plug the cord back in. Turn ON the TV using the remote control or manually and check if the picture continues to freeze

If the issue persists then try the next step...


Check if the TV allows you to perform a Reset/Factory Reset

How to reset the TV? Please follow the instructions

  1. Press the Menu Button once on your TV Remote followed by the number ZERO five times. This will display the FACTORY SETTINGS screen
  2. Under the factory settings you will an option called RESET or FACTORY RESET. Highlight RESET OR FACTORY RESET and press the OK button
  3. TV will display an on-screen message asking you if you are sure to reset the TV YES or NO. Highlight YES and push the OK button on your TV remote

The TV will restart in a few seconds. If it doesn’t, power on the TV using the Remote Control or manually.

Note: please click on the instruction link below to  Reset/Factory Reset TV models E4SFT5517H/E4SJ6519


Note: IF the issue persists then please contact our Customer Support Team at 888-842-3577

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