Blank Screen: Model ELSFT5517/E4SW5518/ELST3216H/ELST4017/ELST4316S/ELST5016S/E2SW5018/E4SFT5517H/E4SJ6519

Try connecting the TV to a different power outlet. If the issue persists then...

Please follow the instructions below to troubleshoot the TV

  1. Unplug the TV cord from the power socket
  2. Leave it unplugged and while it's unplugged press and hold the Power button on the TV for 20 to 25 seconds
  3. Release the power button and plug the cord back in. Turn ON the TV using the remote control or manually and check if TV displays the picture

Note: IF the issue persists then please contact our Customer Support Team at 888-842-3577

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